5 Top Tips to Get Promoted

In this article I’m going to share with you my 5 top tips for getting a promoted, even in this harsh economic climate.

Pay Rise

Tip #1 – What Positions Are Opening

Organizations are always changing their strategy, and restructuring. Whilst they maybe too slow to adapt, it is as likely that they do not allow initiatives to take root before sowing the new crop.


Invariably a new manager will seek to make their mark by changing the strategy and implementing their initiatives. With this in mind, keep a look out in your organization what opportunities or gaps are there which are not being filled?


Which of these represent a promotion opportunity for you?


Read my career article on Identifying What’s Important To you In A Role.


Tip #2 – Who Has Most Influence

Everyone is influenced by others, without exception. For the position you have identified who holds the most influence over you pursing it, and who influences them?


For example if it is a new manager seeking to make their mark, who do they rely upon to make decisions?


Your route to the person that holds influence over your promotion is through the person that holds influence over them rather than directly. It is always better for someone else to recommend or sing your praises than yourself!


Read my career article on Climbing the Corporate Ladder.

Career Progression


Tip #3 – Making the Difference

You now know who you are seeking to influence, you know what gap is open that represents a promotion to you. You now need to start adding value in the area, and assuming the responsibility for plugging this gap.


Yes this means for a time you will likely have to take on more workload in the short term. Realize this is for a short period of time, and you are doing it with a purpose in mind.


Read my careerarticle on applying Kaizen to Your Career.



Tip #4 – Getting the PR

There is no point doing this extra effort and making the difference if you keep it to yourself. You need to make people aware that you are doing the work.


You can do this by sending out reports, status emails to interested parties, or asking people’s advice in relation to what you are doing.


Read my career article on Building Relationships Face-to-Face




Tip #5 – Seed Planting

You’ve gone over and above, you’ve made people aware that you are doing so and hopefully you have got some results to show for it.


You now need to plant seeds with the person who holds influence over the person that makes the decision that you are the right person for the role, and how much benefit it will be for them and the organization.


This is not a one off exercise, you probably would not walk up to a stranger in a bar and expect them to say yes to a marriage proposal, and the same is true with getting a promotion.


You must plant these thoughts and ideas gently, and act as if the promotion had already happened, merely just a case of getting the pay rise approved.


See my career article on How To Present Ideas.


Pay Rise


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